All fires can be very dangerous and life-threatening. Your safety should always be your primary concern when attempting to fight a fire.
Sebelum memutuskan untuk berjuang memadamkan api, yakin karena:
Api itu adalah kecil dan bukan penyebaranyang membahayakan . Suatu api dapat menjadi besar dalam waktu 3 menit
jika Anda mempunyai alat pemadam api yang tepat maka .
Api itu tidak akan dapat menghalangi jalan keluar mu tetapi jika anda tidak bisa mengendalikannya ini bisa membahayakan diri anda sendiri
Cara yang baik untuk memastikan bahwa alat pemadam api berfungsi dgn baik yaitu dengan perawatan berkala, semua alat alat live saving equipment yg ada di kapal mu atau di rumah di rawat sesuai dng standart ISM code.
untuk mengetahui pemadam api mu bekerja. Periksalah alat pemadam api sekali sebulan karena lekukan/gigi-lekukan/gigi, kebocoran-kebocoran atau tanda-tanda lain dari kerusakan. Yakinkan tekanan di dalam botol sesuai yang direkomendasikan. lihatlah berapa ukuran bar dijarum petunjuk harus di dalam
zone yang hijau -tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu rendah.
Anda mengetahui bagaimana caranya menggunakan pemadam api mu. na.. jika tidak tahu aku kasih tip :
Sebelum memutuskan untuk berjuang memadamkan api, yakin karena:
Api itu adalah kecil dan bukan penyebaranyang membahayakan . Suatu api dapat menjadi besar dalam waktu 3 menit
jika Anda mempunyai alat pemadam api yang tepat maka .
Api itu tidak akan dapat menghalangi jalan keluar mu tetapi jika anda tidak bisa mengendalikannya ini bisa membahayakan diri anda sendiri
Cara yang baik untuk memastikan bahwa alat pemadam api berfungsi dgn baik yaitu dengan perawatan berkala, semua alat alat live saving equipment yg ada di kapal mu atau di rumah di rawat sesuai dng standart ISM code.
untuk mengetahui pemadam api mu bekerja. Periksalah alat pemadam api sekali sebulan karena lekukan/gigi-lekukan/gigi, kebocoran-kebocoran atau tanda-tanda lain dari kerusakan. Yakinkan tekanan di dalam botol sesuai yang direkomendasikan. lihatlah berapa ukuran bar dijarum petunjuk harus di dalam
zone yang hijau -tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu rendah.
Anda mengetahui bagaimana caranya menggunakan pemadam api mu. na.. jika tidak tahu aku kasih tip :
How to Fight a Fire Safely:
Always stand with an exit at your back.
Stand sevevvral feet away from the fire, moving closer once the fire starts to diminish.
Use a sweeping motion and aim at the base of the fire.
If possible, use a "buddy system" to have someone back you up or call for help if something goes wrong. Be sure to watch the area for awhile to ensure it doesn't re-ignite.
Always stand with an exit at your back.
Stand sevevvral feet away from the fire, moving closer once the fire starts to diminish.
Use a sweeping motion and aim at the base of the fire.
If possible, use a "buddy system" to have someone back you up or call for help if something goes wrong. Be sure to watch the area for awhile to ensure it doesn't re-ignite.
Never Fight A Fire If:
The fire is spreading rapidly. Only use a fire extinguisher when the fire is in its early stages. If the fire is already spreading quickly, evacuate and call the fire department.
You don't know what is burning. Unless you know what is burning, you won't know what type of fire extinguisher to use. Even if you have an ABC extinguisher, there could be something that will explode or produce highly toxic smoke.
You don't have the proper fire extinguisher. The wrong type of extinguisher can be dangerous or life-threatening.
The fire is spreading rapidly. Only use a fire extinguisher when the fire is in its early stages. If the fire is already spreading quickly, evacuate and call the fire department.
You don't know what is burning. Unless you know what is burning, you won't know what type of fire extinguisher to use. Even if you have an ABC extinguisher, there could be something that will explode or produce highly toxic smoke.
You don't have the proper fire extinguisher. The wrong type of extinguisher can be dangerous or life-threatening.
There is too much smoke or you are at risk of inhaling smoke. Seven out of ten fire-related deaths occur from breathing poisonous gases produced by the fire.
Any sort of fire will produce some amount of carbon monoxide, the most deadly gas produced by a fire. Materials such as wool, silk, nylon and some plastics can produce other highly toxic gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, or hydrogen chloride. Beware - all of these can be fatal.
Any sort of fire will produce some amount of carbon monoxide, the most deadly gas produced by a fire. Materials such as wool, silk, nylon and some plastics can produce other highly toxic gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, or hydrogen chloride. Beware - all of these can be fatal.
Smoke inhallation or exposure to fire itself can be life threatening so get educated about the basics in CPR and burn treatment.
na sekarang ,kita bicara sekarang mengenai type dari jenis pemadamnya
Pemadam api yang dibagi menjadi empat kategori, yang didasarkan pada jenis api-api yang berbeda. Masing-masing pemadam api juga mempunyai suatu penilaian/beban maksimum yang kwantitatip bahwa bertindak sebagai suatu panduan untuk jumlah dari api alat pemadam api tsb mampu menanganinya.
semakin banyak api kuasakemampuan daya padamnya pun sangat di butuhkan semua itu anda harus memahami class dari masing masing jenis pemadam, ada yg berubag CO2 ,bubuk, busa dan air .ini adalah pentunjuk yang cepat untuk membantu memilih jenis yang benar dari alat pemadam api.
Class A extinguishers are for ordinary combustible materials such as paper, wood, cardboard, and most plastics. The numerical rating on these types of extinguishers indicates the amount of water it holds and the amount of fire it can extinguish.
Class B fires involve flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, grease and oil. The numerical rating for class B extinguishers indicates the approximate number of square feet of fire it can extinguish.
Class C fires involve electrical equipment, such as appliances, wiring, circuit breakers and outlets. Never use water to extinguish class C fires - the risk of electrical shock is far too great! Class C extinguishers do not have a numerical rating. The C classification means the extinguishing agent is non-conductive.
Class D fire extinguishers are commonly found in a chemical laboratory. They are for fires that involve combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium. These types of extinguishers also have no numerical rating, nor are they given a multi-purpose rating - they are designed for class D fires only.
Some fires may involve a combination of these classifications. Your fire extinguishers should have ABC ratings on them.
Here are the most common types of fire extinguishers:
Water extinguishers or APW extinguishers (air-pressurized water) are suitable for class A fires only. Never use a water extinguisher on grease fires, electrical fires or class D fires - the flames will spread and make the fire bigger! Water extinguishers are filled with water and pressurized with oxygen. Again - water extinguishers can be very dangerous in the wrong type of situation. Only fight the fire if you're certain it contains ordinary combustible materials only.
Some fires may involve a combination of these classifications. Your fire extinguishers should have ABC ratings on them.
Here are the most common types of fire extinguishers:
Water extinguishers or APW extinguishers (air-pressurized water) are suitable for class A fires only. Never use a water extinguisher on grease fires, electrical fires or class D fires - the flames will spread and make the fire bigger! Water extinguishers are filled with water and pressurized with oxygen. Again - water extinguishers can be very dangerous in the wrong type of situation. Only fight the fire if you're certain it contains ordinary combustible materials only.
Dry chemical extinguishers come in a variety of types and are suitable for a combination of class A, B and C fires. These are filled with foam or powder and pressurized with nitrogen.
BC - This is the regular type of dry chemical extinguisher. It is filled with sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate. The BC variety leaves a mildly corrosive residue which must be cleaned immediately to prevent any damage to materials.
BC - This is the regular type of dry chemical extinguisher. It is filled with sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate. The BC variety leaves a mildly corrosive residue which must be cleaned immediately to prevent any damage to materials.
ABC - This is the multipurpose dry chemical extinguisher. The ABC type is filled with monoammonium phosphate, a yellow powder that leaves a sticky residue that may be damaging to electrical appliances such as a computer
Dry chemical extinguishers have an advantage over CO2 extinguishers since they leave a non-flammable substance on the extinguished material, reducing the likelihood of re-ignition.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) extinguishers are used for class B and C fires. CO2 extinguishers contain carbon dioxide, a non-flammable gas, and are highly pressurized. The pressure is so great that it is not uncommon for bits of dry ice to shoot out the nozzle. They don't work very well on class A fires because they may not be able to displace enough oxygen to put the fire out, causing it to re-ignite.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) extinguishers are used for class B and C fires. CO2 extinguishers contain carbon dioxide, a non-flammable gas, and are highly pressurized. The pressure is so great that it is not uncommon for bits of dry ice to shoot out the nozzle. They don't work very well on class A fires because they may not be able to displace enough oxygen to put the fire out, causing it to re-ignite.
CO2 extinguishers have an advantage over dry chemical extinguishers since they don't leave a harmful residue - a good choice for an electrical fire on a computer or other favorite electronic device such as a stereo or TV.
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